torsdag 24 februari 2011

Marlena Shaw: Woman of the Ghetto!

Har lyckats googla fram här på morronkulan att vokalsamplet till Blue Boys Remember Me kommer från en störtskön politisk soulpärla från 1969, lyssna här!:

Woman of the Ghetto

Ur Wikipedia om Blue Boys version: The track is built around two samples from "Woman of the Ghetto", a 1969 soul song by Marlena Shaw. The original song is polemic to legislators delivered by a woman from a black American ghetto. Near the end is the line: "Remember me? I'm the one who had your babies", in reference to black maids raising white children for little pay in America. This sample is repeated throughout "Remember Me", as is a sample of a scat portion of the refrain.

Ojojoj. Hakan är tappad! Fantastisk musik.

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